Sunday, June 28, 2009

What Heaven will Look Like

Do you ever wonder what Heaven will look like? I'm sure it will look different for all of us, but this weekend I was reminded of what it will look like for me. My Mom and I took a trip to Ohio and saw some of the most beautiful places on earth. Most of you know of my admiration for farmland, and pictured above you see the most beautiful wheat field that we saw this weekend.

My Uncle Harold also took me on a golf cart ride around what was my Grandpa Jackson's farm. When I was young (pre-teenager years), that was about my favorite place to go in the whole world. My cousin Michelle and I would tromp around the fields and woods exploring every inch of the land. I would wake up early, just to go out with my Grandpa to feed whatever lived in the barn at the time. And if somebody didn't wake me up, I'll tell you I was mad about it.

So, for me, Heaven will have a lot of farm land. Wheat, corn, beans, you name it. There will be a big barn that smells just like my Grandpa's barn. My Dad will be there to give me a big hug, just a little tighter than the one I got from my Uncle Bub on Saturday. And my Grandpa Jackson will be singing to me.

1 comment:

Mariandy said...

Awesome photos! Like you, I also appreciate pretty farm scenes. I was just admiring the corn today in a field on the outskirts of Indy. OK, my question is . . . what are we doing living in the city?