Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I know, I know, I know!!

I know I've promised to write, and not followed through. I'm certainly hoping my reader will forgive me. I don't know where time has gone. Lately, I've had this weird feeling that the summer is almost over. And I promise, this blog entry is the last time I will mention it.

You see, not too many years ago, when I lived a different sort of life in Bloomington, Indiana, my whole work/life schedule was way different than it is now. I worked in this alternate universe where time was measured in semesters. You worked really hard while school was in session, and then when the summer came you enjoyed your town. You could get into your favorite restaurants, take a swim at the outdoor pool, actually have space to work out at the SRSC, and walk your weiner dog across campus in peace. The town moves at a slower pace in the summer.

But...the one thing that drove me crazy back then, was a Country Time Lemonade commercial that talked about the end of summer, and they always started showing it on June 21. Just like December 21 can make me happy because the sun starts being out longer every day, June 21 is the day when the sun goes down just a little bit earlier each night. But when that commercial started playing, it always said "Summer is almost over..."

Now, I don't live at the university pace, but lately "normal" hasn't been normal. What happened to this year? Wasn't it just Christmas? I guess I've been busy this year, and lately, I feel like I need to plan for one of those "hang out days" where Trev and I pack a lunch and go to the park and just do whatever. But if you have to plan for it...it's just not the same.

Pretty soon, the end of summer vacation will be here and then it will be back to school. I am looking forward to fall weather though. That will be nice.

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